Spin… and drop… and feed.  Press fingers tight to the place where rolag meets thread.  Spin, and feed.  Ignore the glint of gold collecting on the shaft.

Spin, and feed.  That is all.  Don’t pay attention to anything else.  Spin, and feed.

Now stop.  Find a bobbin and wind it all up.  Careful, don’t let it unravel.   And again, spin… and drop… and feed.

And don’t look.  Don’t think.  Just spin.  Stay with it.  Spin, and feed.

Rolag’s gone.  Find another. Overlap the ends and keep going.  Spin, and feed.  That is all there is.  Spin.  Spin. Spin.

Gold thread.


I've always been fascinated by spinning, ever since I was a kid.  The information I used to write this drabble was drawn mostly from the Circle of Magic series by Tamora Pierce, the only real source of spinning knowledge I had.  It's also, of course, based on Rumplestiltskin, since I was on a fairytale kick at the time.

I found out later people do still spin, and learned in a hurry to do so myself.  With the knowledge I have now, it's astonishing how accurate that picture is.

Settle an argument for me.  Does the rhythm and repetition make this one a peaceful, soothing drabble, as I think?  Or is it creepy and frightening, as my best friend says?
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