He couldn’t sleep.  Not with her gone.  He sat on the floor and stared at the space where she was supposed to be, beside him.

He was so tired the third night of this that he dozed, but the click of the latch in the middle of the night woke him.  Raine was missing.

He followed her outside, found her sitting on a rock swinging her legs.  Crying.  He sat next to her and put his arm around her, and then he was crying too.

He didn’t speak, and she wouldn’t anyway.  They just wept for those they had lost.


Finally! A Daughter of Snow drabble that has neither of the main characters in it.  This is two minor characters, Malcolm (the leader) and Raine (who is mute by choice).  They're mourning Sierra (Malcolm's four-year-old sister) and Katrien (Raine's mother figure and essentially Malcolm's girlfriend).
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