What on earth is a "drabble"?

Do you want the technical definition, or the slang definition?

The technical definition is, a miniature novel of exactly 100 words, containing all the parts of a full-size novel, but smaller.  So there must be characters, a setting, conflict, resolution, and maybe even a moral.  In 100 words.  That's really, really hard.

The slang definition, at least in my writer's community, is something like this:

A writer or a group of writers is given or selects a prompt, usually one word but sometimes a short phrase.  The participants (often "drabblers") must then write a short scene based on this prompt.  They then take turns sharing the results.

It does not have to relate to a larger work.  It does not have to be particularly coherent.  The characters don't even need to have names.  The way most of my community plays, the word count is more of a guideline than a hard-and-fast rule.  I take it seriously.

Really, one hundred words?

Yep, really.  Personally, I love the concept of the 100-word limit.  Cramming enough information into such a small space is basically an art form.  Sometimes, stretching to reach those last two words can also be a challenge.

So I write mine to exactly 100 words, every time.  No more, no less.

What are they about?

Whatever strikes me.  Some are one-offs, related to really nothing at all but based completely on the prompt.  Characters and settings and plotlines invented just for that 100 words.

Others are based on my characters.  I have two groups of characters I write with.  One set is the population of my novel, Daughter of Snow, and the other set is five characters without solid stories.

So why is there an entire blog for these?

If I'm being truthful?  Because I'm narcissistic.

But really, I'd like somewhere to keep them where they can be found.  I like sharing them, and I don't like having them locked away on my laptop where I have to haul them out and send them off individually to people who are interested.  I'd like to have them out there.

I'd also like to be able to comment on them myself, and receive comments from others.  The drabble is only the start of the story.  There's so much behind the works themselves.