The computer screen glowed, music flowed, and she was slowly drifting off.

She barely noticed the moments of darkness, his hand covering her eyes sometimes.  She thought it was the end of the playlist, but he’d just turned the volume down.  She mistook the warmth of his embrace for her covers shifting.  She confused his whisper in her ear with the wind whistling outside. 

And when she finally fell asleep in his arms, she thought she was alone.

He closed her laptop.

What he wouldn’t give to break through the glass and let her know he was truly with her.


Corby, playing a little game with the emotions of fellow drabblers who didn't like him.

And maybe the two of us expressing a little wish that he were a real person able to comfort me when I need it.

It doesn't seem like I did a very good job with relating it to Drifting, but I'm okay with it anyway.  The word is actually in there.
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